Seminar iz diskretne matematike

Vodji seminarja: Boštjan Brešar in Sandi Klavžar
Predavanja potekajo ob ponedeljkih ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi P1 (Gosposvetska cesta 84, v 4. nadstropju).

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Minula predavanja

On incidence colorings of graphs

Predavatelj: Borut Lužar

An incidence in a graph $G$ is a pair $(v,e)$ where $v$
is a vertex of $G$ and $e$ is an edge of $G$ incident to $v$. Two incidences $(v,e)$ and $(u,f)$ are adjacent if at least one of the
following holds: (1) $v = u$, (2) $e = f$, or (3) $vuin{e,f}$. An incidence coloring of $G$ is a coloring of its incidences assigning distinct colors to adjacent incidences. The originators conjectured
that every graph G admits an incidence coloring with at most Δ(G)+2 colors. The conjecture is false in general, but there are
many classes of graphs for which it holds. We will present the main
results from the field and introduce some of our recent ones. Namely,
we will focus on incidence coloring of Cartesian products of graphs
and subquartic graphs.

1-perfectly orientable graphs and graph products

Predavateljica: Tatiana Romina Hartinger

A graph G is said to be 1-perfectly orientable (1-p.o. for short) if it admits an orientation such that the out-neighborhood of every vertex is a clique in G. The class of 1-p.o. graphs forms a common generalization of the classes of chordal and circular arc graphs. Even though 1-p.o. graphs can be recognized in polynomial time, no structural characterization of 1-p.o. graphs is known. In this paper we consider the four standard graph products: the Cartesian product, the strong product, the direct product, and the lexicographic product. For each of them, we characterize when a nontrivial product of two graphs is 1-p.o.
Based on joint work with Martin Milanič (University of Primorska).

Intersection graphs of groups

Predavatelj: Selcuk Kayacan (Istanbul Technical University, Turčija)

For a group G the intersection graph of G is a simple graph such that its vertex set consists of the non-trivial proper subgroups of G and two distinct vertices are joined by an edge if and only if their intersection is non-trivial. We have classified all finite groups whose intersection graphs are planar and showed that finite abelian groups can almost be
characterized by their intersection graphs. In this talk, I will outline those results and present some speculations on possible further directions.

Markov chains on abelian groups give new constructions for the diamond problem

Predavatelj: László A. Székely (University of South Carolina, ZDA)

Katona, Griggs, Lu and many others started a systematic investigation of extremal problems
with excluded posets for the subset lattice, as a far-reaching generalization of Sperner theory.
More precisely: given a fixed partially ordered set, what is the maximum size of a family of
subsets of an n element set, such that the fixed partially ordered set is not realized by inclusion among the members of the family.
The diamond is the partial order of the 4 subsets of a 2 element set. The extremal problem
above is unsolved for the diamond, even in an asymptotic sense, notwithstanding vigorous
work and successive improved bounds. The diamond conjecture is that the threshold is
asymptotically equal to the sum of the sizes of the two largest levels in the subset lattice.
We show that if the diamond conjecture is true, then many different constructions yield it.
We construct them with Markov chains on abelian groups.

This is joint work with Eva Czabarka, Aaron Dutle, and Travis Johnston.

Sampling graphs with given assortativity

Predavateljica: Eva Czabarka (University of South Carolina, ZDA)

The Havel-Hakimi theorem states that the space of graphs with a given degree sequence is connected
under 2-swaps (exchanging a pair of nonadjacent edges to another pair on the same four vertices).
This operation gives rise to a simple Markov chain that allows one to sample graphs with a given
degree sequence. Degree sequence alone does not capture the properties of a network: e.g.
social, biological, technical networks can have the very same degree sequence and different
assortativity. The assortativity coefficient of the graph is essentially the Pearson correlation
coefficient of degrees of adjacent vertices that gives the tendency of nodes of different or similar
degrees to be connected to each other. The joint degree matrix gives all information necessary
to compute the assortativity coefficient of a graph – the ij-th element of the matrix gives the
number of edges connecting degree i and degree j vertices. We will describe some Havel-Hakimi type
results related to the joint degree matrix and some generalizations of the concept.

Infinite Sierpiński-type graphs

Predavatelj: Daniele D’Angeli (TU Graz, Avstrija)

In this talk I will define an increasing sequence of graphs inspired by the famous Sierpiński fractal. The vertices of such graphs are labeled by (finite) words over a finite alphabet. Passing to the limit (in the sense of Gromov-Hausdorff) one gets infinitely many graphs, whose vertices are labeled by right infinite words. I will give a complete classification of them up to isomorphism, showing that there are infinitely many isomorphism classes, each containing either three or six graphs.

Sierpiński Triangle Centenary

Predavatelj: Andreas M. Hinz (LMU München, Nemčija)

The idea for the Sierpiński Triangle was presented for the first time on 15 March 1915 in Paris. Originally designed to provide a Jordan curve every point of which is a point of ramification, it witnessed a revival as the most famous fractal in the late 1970s. Ten years after that, its connections to Pascal’s Arithmetical Triangle and to the Tower of Hanoi were discovered and another decade later these led to the definition of Sierpiński Graphs. Meanwhile, many different groups of scientist had considered similar objects, such that it is now time to bring some order into the Sierpiński-type graphs zoo.

Well-Covered Planar Triangulations and Quadrangulations

Predavatelj: Bert Hartnell (Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Kanada)

A well-covered graph (introduced by M. D. Plummer in 1970) is one in which every maximal
independent set of vertices is a maximum. Whereas determining the independence number of
an arbitrary graph is NP-complete, for a well-covered graph one can simply apply a greedy
algorithm. The problem of characterizing the well-covered graphs has not been so straight-
forward however. In this talk we will outline the approach taken to determine the well-covered
graphs that are planar triangulations (respectively, planar quadrangulations).

Crossing number of graphs

Predavatelj: Jesús Leaños

The crossing number of a graph G is the minimum number of pairwise intersections of edges in a drawing
of G in the plane. The problem of determining the crossing number of a graph is a well-known problem in topological graph theory which remains open for the most graphs. In this talk we give the basic concepts and discuss some of our contributions.

The Reve’s Puzzle Solved?

Predavatelj: Andreas M. Hinz

A paper which recently appeared in a Belgian maths journal
contains a promising approach to the solution of this century-old
riddle. I will sketch the argument and discuss its implications on the
Frame-Stewart Conjecture.

The (Prouhet-)Thue-Morse sequence

Predavatelj: Jean-Paul Allouche (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Pariz, Francija)

Let us define an innocent looking 0-1 sequence as the sequence whose n-th term is the parity of the sum of the binary digits of the integer n. So that the
sequence begins with: 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 …
The talk will be a promenade among many properties and many occurrences of this sequence in various and sometimes unexpected fields: from number theory (multigrades, transcendence, continued fractions, curious infinite products, Dirichlet series, partitions of the integers, noninteger numeration bases) to combinatorics of words
and theoretical computer science, from differential geometry to
iteration of continuous functions and fractals, from physics to chess, music, games, and economics.

Cops, robbers and infinite graphs

Predavatelj: Florian Lehner (TU Graz, Avstrija)

Pursuit-evasion based searching, also known as the game of cops and robbers is a game on a graph between two players, $c$ (the cop) and $r$ (the robber). The rules are as follows: In the first round both $c$ and $r$ choose a starting vertex, in each consecutive round they are allowed to move to a neighboring vertex. The cop wins the game, if after some finite number of steps $c$ and $r$ occupy the same vertex, otherwise the robber wins.

A basic question related to this game is to characterize the class of graphs for which the cop has a winning strategy. For finite graphs it has been shown by Nowakowski and Winkler these are exactly the constructible graphs.

For infinite graphs, Chastand et al introduced a modification of the winning criterion for which they conjectured the same to be true. We disprove this conjecture and suggest a further modification in the same spirit for which we show that the cop has a winning strategy on every constructible graph.

Toroidal Triangulations are Geometric

Predavatelj: Dan Archdeacon (The University of Vermont, USA)

Steinitz’s Theorem states that a graph is the 1-skeleton of a convex
polyhedron if and only if the graph is 3-connected and planar. The
polyhedron is called a geometric realization of the embedded graph.
Its faces are bounded by convex polygons whose points are coplanar.

What about graphs on the torus, specifically triangulations? Given a
triangulation that has the topological shape of a torus, can it be
realized in 3-space using only flat triangles? What about other surfaces?
What about non-triangulations?

In this talk we examine these issues using some surprising techniques
including a detour into the fourth dimension.

Joint work with Paul Bonnington, and Jo Ellis-Monaghan.

Phase Transitions in Random Hypergraphs

Predavateljica: Mihyun Kang (TU Graz, Avstrija)

The study of phase transitions in random graphs was initiated by Erdos and Rényi in 1960. They proved among other things that a uniform random graph undergoes a drastic change in the size and structure of the largest component, caused by altering a critical edge density.
Since the seminal work of Erdos and Rényi, various random graph models have been introduced and studied over the last five decades. In this talk I will discuss some recent results in phase transitions in random hypergraphs. (Joint work with Oliver Cooley and Christoph Koch)

Extending matchings in graphs

Predavatelj: Michal Kotrbčík (Masaryk University, Brno, Češka)

A matching in a graph G is a set of independent edges of G, that is, a
set in which no two edges have a common endpoint. The area of matching
extensions is concerned with adding edges to matchings to obtain larger
matchings (with specified properties). Slightly more formally, consider
the following problem: If M is any matching with property A, is there
always a set of edges N such that Mcup N is a matching with property B?
A particular example of arising notion is the class of matching-covered
graphs, graphs in which every edge belongs to a maximum matching.

In this talk I will first give a brief overview of the landscape of
matching extensions, introducing some of the more interesting concepts
living there. In particular, I will mention Gallai-Edmonds structure
theorem which provides a description of all matchings in a graph. In the
second part of the talk I will present the state of the art in
characterising equimatchable graphs, that is, graphs in which each
matching can be extended to a maximum matching, and pose several open
