Predavateljica: Polona Pavlič
Seminar iz diskretne matematike
Predavanja potekajo ob ponedeljkih ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi P1 (Gosposvetska cesta 84, v 4. nadstropju).
Bodoča predavanja
Minula predavanja
Mavrično dominantno število posplošenih Petersenovih grafov
Struktura maksimalnih neodvisnih množic v direktnih produktih poti in ciklov s poljubnimi grafi
Predavateljica: Tjaša Paj
Cestninska konveksnost
Predavateljica: Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak
Dominacijska zaporedja
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
The Frame-Stewart Conjecture
Predavatelj: Andreas M. Hinz
Posplošena električna dominacija in grafi Sierpinskega
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
L(2,1)-označitve krepkih produktov poti in ciklov
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Klasifikacija 2-prekrižno kritičnih grafov
Predavatelj: Drago Bokal
graphs: K_5 and K_{3,3} (degree 2 vertices being irrelevant in this
context). In the language of crossing numbers, these are the only
1-crossing-critical graphs: they each have crossing number at least one,
and every proper subgraph has crossing number less than one. In 1987,
Kochol exhibited an infi nite family of 3-connected, simple
2-crossing-critical graphs. Recently, a complete characterization of
2-crossing-critical graphs was finalized by Richter, Salazar, Oporowski,
and Bokal. An overview of this characterization will be presented in the
talk. In particular, we will introduce the concepts and some shorter
arguments needed in the proof of the following:
Let G be a 2-crossing-critical graph.
1. Then G has minimum degree at least two and is a subdivision of a
2-crossing-critical graph with minimum degree at least three.
Moreover, suppose G has minimum degree at least three. Then:
2. if G is 3-connected, then either G has a subdivision of V_{10} and a
very particular tile structure or has at most 3 million vertices; or
3. G is not 3-connected and is one of 49 particular examples; or
4. G is 2- but not 3-connected and is obtained from a 3-connected
example by replacing digons with digonal paths.
Večbarvanje 3D heksagonalnih grafov
Predavateljica: Petra Šparl
Monopoli na grafih: podobni koncepti in kompleksnost
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Symmetry breaking in infinite graphs
Predavatelj: Wilfried Imrich (Montanuniversitaet, Leoben, Avstrija)
of the coloring in the automorphism group of G is trivial. Tom Tucker
conjectured that, if every automorphim of a connected, locally finite graph moves
infinitely many vertices, then there exists a distinguishing 2-coloring, that is, a coloring
using only two colors. This is known as the infinite Motion Conjecture.
Despite many
intriguing partial results, it is still open in general.
This conjecture, its generalizations to uncountable graphs, to groups
acting on structures, and to endomorphims of countable and uncountable graphs and structures,
has become an inspiring topic and spawned numerous papers.
In this talk I will present generalizations of the Infinite Motion
Conjecture, to
random colorings on countable graphs, and other generalizations to
uncountable graphs. I will also shortly describe some of the methods used to obtain solutions
for various classes of graphs, this includes the permutation toplogy on countable sets and related topological spaces, in particular Polish spaces.
Metrične lastnosti grafov Sierpinskega
Predavateljica: Sara Sabrina Zemljič
Domination game and no-minus graphs
Predavatelj: Gabriel Renault (Université Bordeaux 1, LaBRI, Francija)
Merjenje sorodnosti grafov – Hausdorffova razdalja
Predavatelj: Iztok Banič
Optimalna odprta dominacija na grafovskih produktih
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Primeri uporabe mostovnih grafov in njihovih posplošitev, pregledno
Predavateljica: Tanja Gologranc
Particijska dimenzija nekaterih grafovskih produktov
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
O C-I grafih
Predavateljica: Tanja Gologranc
Grünberg-Kegel graphs and their applications
Predavatelj: Anatolij Kondratjev (Ruska akademija znanosti, Jekaterinburg, Rusija)
Boxicity and Cubicity of Product Graphs
Predavatelj: Deepak Rajendraprasad (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
The distinguishing index of a graph
Predavateljica: Monika Pilsniak (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakov, Poljska)
On the Cartesian product of arbitrarily partitionable graphs
Predavatelj: Rafal Kalinowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakov, Poljska)
On the strong metric dimension of Cartesian and direct products of graphs
Predavateljica: Dorota Kuziak (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Španija)
Transit functions in Recombination Theory
Predavatelj: Manoj Changat (University of Kerala, India)
Resonančni grafi nekaterih nanocevk in njihova struktura III
Predavateljica: Martina Berlič
Resonančni grafi nekaterih nanocevk in njihova struktura II
Predavateljica: Martina Berlič
The partition dimension of graphs
Predavatelj: Ismael González Yero (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Španija)
Nekateri Steinerjevi koncepti na leksikografskem produktu
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Resonančni grafi nekaterih nanocevk in njihova struktura
Predavateljica: Martina Berlič
Algebra poti in dominantni problemi na grafovskih produktih, II
Predavateljica: Polona Pavlič
Regularni medianski grafi linearne rasti
Predavatelj: Tilen Marc
Nonrepetitive colourings of graphs and relaxed colouring problems of Thue type
Predavateljica: Erika Škrabul’áková
Zhang-Zgang polinomi in polinomi kock
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
Karakterizacija Lukasovih kock
Predavatelj: Andrej Taranenko
Distinguishing graphs with intermediate growth
Predavatelj: Florian Lehner (TU Graz)
Direktni produkti polnih grafov II
Predavatelj: Gašper Mekiš
Diameter of Fullerene Graphs
Predavateljica: Vesna Andova
Some results on network centralitiy indices
Predavatelj: Riste Škrekovski
Direktni produkti polnih grafov I
Predavatelj: Gašper Mekiš
Symmetry breaking in graphs
Predavatelj: Wilfried Imrich
Skoraj ekstremna vozlišča grafov Sierpinskega
Predavateljica: Sara Sabrina Zemljič
Linearno prepoznavanje in vložitev Fibonaccijevih kock
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Algoritmični pristopi k problemu maksimalnega prereza grafov II
Predavateljica: Ksenija Smogavec
Algoritmični pristopi k problemu maksimalnega prereza grafov I
Predavateljica: Ksenija Smogavec
Algebra poti in dominantni problemi na grafovskih produktih – pregledno
Predavateljica: Polona Pavlič
Dominacijska igra na drevesih in vpetih podgrafih
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Finding the Center of Outer Planar Graphs – A Dynamic Graph Approach
Predavateljica: Divya S. Lekha (University of Kerala, Indija)
Axiomatic characterization of Antimedian function on Paths
Predavateljica: Ajitha R. Subhamathi (N.S.S College Rajakumari, Kerala, Indija)
On some aspects of communication in networks
Predavatelj: Gabriel Semanišin (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Povezanost direktnih produktov
Predavatelj: Simon Špacapan