Predavatelj: Richard Hammack (Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A)
Seminar iz diskretne matematike
Predavanja potekajo ob ponedeljkih ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi P1 (Gosposvetska cesta 84, v 4. nadstropju).
Bodoča predavanja
Minula predavanja
Prime factorization of bipartite graphs with respect to the direct product
Rimska dominacija v kartezičnem produktu grafov
Predavateljica: Alenka Presker Planko
On L(j,k)-labellings
Predavateljica: Yoomi Rho (University of Incheon, Korea)
Monofonično število grafa
Predavateljica: Martina Berlič
Barvanja grafov Sierpińskega in b-barvanja III
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Lokalna Steinerjeva 3-konveksnost
Predavateljica: Tanja Gologranc
Barvanja grafov Sierpińskega in b-barvanja II
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Barvanja grafov Sierpińskega in b-barvanja – pregledno
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Krožno igralno kromatično število grafa
Predavateljica: Tina Sovič
Fibonaccijeve kocke II
Predavateljica: Anita Jamnikar
Fibonaccijeve kocke – pregledno
Predavateljica: Anita Jamnikar
Path Security Number
Predavatelj: Gabriel Semanišin (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Maximum degree and Minimum Rainbow Subgraph problem
Predavatelj: Jan Katrenič (joint work with Ingo Schiermeyer)
Determinant identities for Laplace
Predavatelj: Stephan Wagner
Bikromatično število grafa
Predavateljica: Eva Ferk
Konveksnost in grafovski produkti
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
O neodvisnostnem številu kartezičnega produkta grafov
Predavateljica: Polona Pavlič
Regular covers of the Archimedean tessellations
Predavatelj: Daniel Pellicer
Resonantne množice in maksimalne hiperkocke v resonančnih grafih
Predavateljica: Petra Žigert
Regular median graphs with two ends
Predavatelj: Wilfried Imrich
Tetivnost in hiperboličnost grafa
Predavateljica: Polona Pavlič
Clarove strukture in maksimalne hiperkocke v resonančnih grafih
Predavatelj: Andrej Taranenko
Varovanje poti v grafih
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
C-I grafi delnih urejenosti in tetivni grafi
Predavateljica: Tanja Gologranc
f-Fibonaccijeve kocke
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
O Fibonaccijevi dimenziji grafa
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Dominantno število v direktnih produktih grafov
Predavatelj: Gašper Mekiš
Ne-Cayleyjeva števila
Predavatelj: Boštjan Frelih
Edge reconstruction results of Lovasz and Nash-Williams
Predavatelj: Bhalchandra Thatte (University of Oxford)
I will introduce the edge reconstruction conjecture of Harary and go on to discuss the classic result of Lovasz (1972) and its
generalization due to Nash-Williams (1977). The original proofs of the results were based on elementary counting. In this talk I will sketch some algebraic ideas for proving the results. While these ideas have also been quite old (developed by many authors in 1980s and 1990s), recently I have been trying to develop similar ideas for a reconstruction problem arising in population genetics. If time permits, I will briefly describe this work as well. This will be an informal talk, and I will not assume any background of the reconstruction problems.
Large networks, clusters and Kronecker products
Predavatelj: Jure Leskovec
Emergence of the web and online computing applications gave rich data
on human social activity that can be represented in a form of an
interaction graph. One of the principal challenges then is to build
models and understanding of the structure of such large networks. In
this talk I will present our work on the cluster or community
structure in large networks, where clusters are thought of as sets of
nodes that are better connected internally than to the rest of the
network. We find that large networks have very different clustering
structure from well studied small social networks and graphs that are
well-embeddable in a low-dimensional structure. In networks of
millions of nodes tight clusters exist at only very small size scales
up to around 100 nodes, while at large size scales networks becomes
expander like. As this behavior is not explained, even at a
qualitative level, by any of the commonly-used network generation
models I will then present a network model based on Kronecker products
that is able to produce graphs exhibiting a network structure similar
to our observations.
Predstavitve delnih urejenosti
Predavateljica: Tanja Gologranc
Algoritmični vidik Fibonaccijeve dimenzije
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
4 tlakovanja benzenoidnih grafov
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Algoritem za izračun ploskve na predpisanih točkah z zvezno ukrivljenostjo
Predavatelj: Gregor Donaj
Nekateri presečni koncepti in invariante v metrični teoriji grafov III
Predavateljica: Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak
Socialni indeksi
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Nekateri presečni koncepti in invariante v metrični teoriji grafov II
Predavateljica: Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak
Igra dominacije
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Fibonaccijeva dimenzija grafov II
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
Nekateri presečni koncepti in invariante v metrični teoriji grafov – pregledno
Predavateljica: Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak
Fibonaccijeva dimenzija grafov
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
b-kromatično število kubičnih grafov
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Steinerjevi in geodetski intervali
Predavateljica: Aleksandra Tepeh Horvat
A tool for an automatic analysis of security protocols by logics of belief
Predavatelj: Marian Novotny (P.J. Šafarik University in Košice)
We briefly introduce an analysis of cryptographic protocols by logics of
belief. We define a decision procedure for an automatic analysis. We
design and implement the user friendly tool ABLOB for the automatic
analysis. In this tool we implement two well-known logics – BAN, AUTLOG
and analyze some protocols from literature
Centralized communication in radio networks
Predavatelj: František Galčik (P.J. Šafarik University in Košice)
Radio networks differ from other communication networks in the way
how the nodes send and receive messages. Radio networks are often
modeled by graphs. We present a standard graph model of radio
networks and a newly proposed graph model of radio networks with a
long-range interference. We focus on the broadcasting problem in the
case when full topology information is available to nodes. For both
models, we give an overview of main results and show some basic
algorithms. Finally, we discuss relations between communication
algorithms (in distributed setting, as well) and useful combinatorial
tools such as selective families.
Povezavni, točkovni in okvarni premeri grafov
Predavateljica: Rija Erveš
Minimal asymmetric graphs
Predavatelj: Gert Sabidussi (McGill University, Montreal and Universite de Montreal)
A classic result of Erdos and Renyi (1963) states that almost
all graphs are asymmetric (i.e. have no non-trivial automorphism).
Given the preponderance of asymmetric graphs, it is tempting to
believe that minimal asymmetric graphs (i.e. those asymmetric graphs
every proper non-trivial induced subgraph of which has a non-trivial
automorphism) are a common occurrence, at least in the crude sense
that there are infinitely many of them. We show that this is not the
case: there are very few (in fact, exactly 18) minimal asymmetric
graphs and they are surprisingly small, having 6, 7 or 8 vertices.
Moreover, it turns out that these graphs are also precisely the mini-
mal graphs that do not have involutory automorphisms. (Joint work
with Jarik Nesetril and Jerome Gagnon.)
CI-grafi delno urejenih množic
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Pakirno kromatično število neskončnih mrež
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
b-kromatično število grafov
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac