Seminar iz topologije

Vodji seminarja: Tina Sovič in Jernej Činč.
Predavanja potekajo ob petkih ob 13:00 v predavalnici 01/20.

Bodoča predavanja

Minula predavanja


Predavatelj: Iztok Banič

Weak inverse limits

Predavatelj: Iztok Banič

Predavanje bo izjemoma 14:55-15:40.

Inverse limits with a single set valued function on [0, 1]

Predavatelj: Van Nall (University of Richmond, ZDA)

We are a long way from a characterization of continua that are the inverse limit with a single upper semi-continuous set valued function on [0, 1]. Recently we have shown that an arc is the only finite graph which is the inverse limit with a single upper semi-continuous set valued function on [0, 1]. We can generate many interesting and difficult questions by asking for a fixed graph G, if a continuum is the inverse limit with single valued bonding maps on G, and it is also the inverse limit with a single upper semi-continuous set valued function on [0, 1], then must it be chainable? In this talk we will discuss some new techniques for exploiting the dynamics of shift maps on inverse limits with a single set valued function and use them to examine cyclically connected and circle-like continua that are the inverse limit with a single upper semi-continuous set valued function on [0, 1].