V petek, 21. 6. 2019, ob 12:00 uri bosta v predavalnici 0/103 na Koroški 160 predavanji:
- Sina Greenwood (Univerza v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija)
Naslov predavanja: Trees and inverse limits of set-valued functions on intervals
Povzetek: I will consider inverse limits of sequences of upper semicontinuous set-valued functions on intervals for which the graph of each bonding function is an arc. I will show how to construct any finite tree as such an inverse limit, and one for which each bonding function is one of two specified functions. I will also touch on infinite trees. - Judy Kennedy (Univerza Lamar, Združene Države Amerike)
Naslov predavanja: A construction of Mary Rees
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