Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec
Seminar iz diskretne matematike
Predavanja potekajo ob ponedeljkih ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi P1 (Gosposvetska cesta 84, v 4. nadstropju).
Bodoča predavanja
Spreading and bootstrap percolation in graph products, pregledno
Predavatelj: Jaka Hedžet
2-rainbow independent domination in complementary prisms
Predavateljica: Dragana Božović
Isolation game on graphs
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Domination in graphs and forbidden cycles
Predavatelj: Michael A. Henning (University of Johannesburg, Južna Afrika)
Minula predavanja
Recent progress on coalition in graphs
Predavatelj: Babak Samadi
Domination number of modular product graphs
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
On the vertices that are forced to belong to every metric basis of a graph
Predavatelj: Ismael G. Yero (University of Cadiz, Španija)
Centrality Measures: Identifying Key Elements in Networks
Predavatelj: Rishi Ranjan Singh
Stress convexity
Predavateljica: Polona Repolusk
Bootstrap percolation in direct products of graphs
Predavatelj: Jaka Hedžet
Polluted modified bootstrap percolation
Predavatelj: Janko Gravner (UC Davis, ZDA)
Povzetek: In the polluted modified bootstrap percolation model on d-dimensional lattice, sites are independently initially occupied with probability p or closed with probability q. A site becomes occupied at a subsequent step if it is not closed and has at least one occupied nearest neighbor in each of the d coordinates. The main quantity of interest is final density of occupied sites when p and q are both small. This density is expected to change from high to low as q increases over a critical power of p, possibly with logarithmic corrections. In the two-dimensional case, these logarithmic corrections are indeed present in the modified rule, by contrast with the standard rule.
This is joint work with A. Holroyd, S. Lee, and D. Sivakoff.
Burning game
Predavateljica: Vesna Iršič
Resonance graphs of plane bipartite graphs and daisy cubes
Predavatelj: Niko Tratnik
Bootstrap percolation in direct products of graphs
Predavatelj: Jaka Hedžet
Predavanje je bilo preloženo.
Paletni indeks kartezičnega produkta poti, ciklov in regularnih grafov
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Cop and Robber game with radius of capture $k$
Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec
On the (1,1,2,2)-coloring of claw-free cubic graphs
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Revisiting Sierpiński graphs and Kneser graphs by injective coloring
Predavatelj: Babak Samadi
The cycle transit function of a graph and its betweenness properties: The case of arity two and three
Predavatelj: Manoj Changat (University of Kerala, Indija)
b-barvanja v korenskem produktu grafov
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Artificial Intelligence Strategies in Education
Predavateljica: Lara Drožđek
Chromatic Number Via Turan Number
Predavatelj: Hossein Hajiabolhassan (Montanuniversität Leoben)
Complexity and algorithmic aspects of edge open packing
Predavatelj: Babak Samadi
Korenski produkti in NP-polnost 2-mavrične popolne dominacije
Predavateljica: Aleksandra Tepeh
Grundy packing chromatic number
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Perfect injectively colorable graphs
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
On injective colorings of graphs
Predavatelj: Babak Samadi
Razširjanje v grafih
Predavatelj: Jaka Hedžet
Celotna dominacija in ničelna prisila v grafih
Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec
Majority edge-colorings of finite and infinite graphs
Predavatelj: Rafał Kalinowski (AGH University, Krakov, Poljska)
Štetje Hamiltonskih ciklov v 2-tlakovanih grafih in gosta domena izzivov, II
Predavatelj: Alen Vegi Kalamar
Šibko cestninska konveksnost
Predavateljica: Polona Repolusk
Štetje Hamiltonskih ciklov v 2-tlakovanih grafih in gosta domena izzivov, I
Predavatelj: Alen Vegi Kalamar
Medsebojna vidljivost v kartezičnih produktih poti in ciklov
Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Štetje Hamiltonskih ciklov v 2-tlakovanih grafih in gosta domena izzivov, pregledno
Predavatelj: Alen Vegi Kalamar
Total mutual-visibility in Hamming graphs
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
On k-tuple domination on Kneser graphs
Predavateljica: Maria Gracia Cornet (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
Optimal linear-Vizing relationship for (total) domination in graphs
Predavatelj: Michael Henning
Razširitev Grundyjeve dominacije
Predavateljica: Lara Drožđek
A graph theory problem related to the self-assembly of DNA structures
Predavateljica: Simona Bonvicini
Novi rezultati o acikličnem b-kromatičnem številu
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
General position number in maximal outerplanar graphs and k-th power graphs
Predavateljica: Jing Tian
On several mathematical aspects of Wiener index
Predavateljica: Jelena Sedlar
Strong edge geodetic problem on complete bipartite graphs and some extremal graphs for the problem
Predavateljica: Eva Zmazek
Wiener index and (revised) Szeged index on cacti, and an application to the basilica graphs
Predavatelj: Stefan Hammer (TU Graz, Avstrija)
Nove meje vozliščnega pokritja k-poti
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
Posplošeni Zhang-Zhangov polinom benzenoidnih sistemov
Predavatelj: Niko Tratnik
O razponu grafa
Predavatelj: Andrej Taranenko
Portier and Versteegen’s proof of the 3/4-conjecture
Predavateljica: Vesna Iršič
Povzetek: Recently, Portier and Versteegen proved the 3/4-conjecture for the total domination game which states that for every graph $G$ without isolated vertices or edges, the game total domination number is at most $\frac{3}{4} |V(G)|$. In this talk, the outline of the proof will be presented.
Restrained domination of cubic graphs, II.
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Super domination in graphs
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
(Closed) distance magic circulant graphs
Predavatelj: Štefko Miklavič
Restrained domination of cubic graphs
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Grafi z do izomorfizma natančno enolično največjo neodvisno množico, II.
Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec