Predavatelj: Aleksander Vesel
Seminar iz diskretne matematike
Predavanja potekajo ob ponedeljkih ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi P1 (Gosposvetska cesta 84, v 4. nadstropju).
Bodoča predavanja
Minula predavanja
Število splošne lege dveh družin kartezičnih produktov
Perkolacija v krepkih produktih grafov
Predavatelj: Jaka Hedžet
Polycirculant graphs and Polycyclic congurations
Asymmetrizing infinite trees
Predavatelj: Wilfried Imrich (about joint work with Florian Lehner, Rafal Kalinowski, Monika Pilsniak and Marcin Stawiski)
Povzetek: The talk is a continuation of the seminar talk of November 12, 2018 about automorphism breaking of countable trees. One says a tree, or more generally a graph, is asymmetrizable if there exists a 2-coloring of its vertices that is only preserved by the identity automorphism. The talk outlines a proof that each infinite tree whose degrees are bounded by 2^m, where m is an arbitrary infinite cardinal, is asymmetrizable if all non-identity automorphisms move at least m vertices.
The talk begins with a few remarks about infinite cardinals, successor cardinals, regular and singular cardinals, the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, results of Babai, Sabidussi and Polat and then presents the main result.
Nekaj metričnih lastnosti grafovskih produktov, II.
Predavatelj: Gregor Rus
Nekaj metričnih lastnosti grafovskih produktov, I.
Predavatelj: Gregor Rus
Sodobne igre barvanj in sorodne igre na grafih, II.
Predavateljica: Daša Štesl
Nekaj metričnih lastnosti grafovskih produktov, pregledno
Predavatelj: Gregor Rus
Grafi z do avtomorfizma natančno enolično največjo neodvisno množico
Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec
Aciklično b-kromatično število grafa
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Graph Polynomials
Predavateljica: Aysel Erey (Gebze Technical University, Turčija)
Sodobne igre barvanj in sorodne igre na grafih, I.
Predavateljica: Daša Štesl
Super-connectivity of graphs
Predavatelj: John Baptist Gauci (University of Malta)
Shifting paths to avoidable ones
Predavatelj: Martin Milanič
Sodobne igre barvanj in sorodne igre na grafih, pregledno
Predavateljica: Daša Štesl
Dominacija v digrafih in njihovih produktih
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Neodvisna dominacijska igra s preprečevanjem
Predavateljica: Daša Štesl
Resonančni grafi nekaterih dvodelnih zunajravninskih grafov in posplošena metoda prerezov, II.
Predavatelj: Simon Brezovnik
Edge-distinguishing of star-free graphs
Predavateljica: Aleksandra Gorzkowska (AGH University, Krakov, Poljska)
Skupina Seminar iz DM na MS Teams.
Resonančni grafi nekaterih dvodelnih zunajravninskih grafov in posplošena metoda prerezov, I.
Predavatelj: Simon Brezovnik
On the paired domination and its stability
Predavateljica: Elżbieta Tumidajewicz (AGH University, Krakov, Poljska)
Resonančni grafi nekaterih dvodelnih zunajravninskih grafov in posplošena metoda prerezov, pregledno
Predavatelj: Simon Brezovnik
Well-hued graphs
Predavateljica: Kirsti Kuenzel (Trinity College, Hartford, CT, ZDA)
A graph $G$ is called well-hued if for each positive integer $k$ there is an integer $a_k$ such that every maximal $k$-colorable subgraph of $G$ has order $a_k$. This notion of well-hued can be viewed as a generalization to the property of being well-covered. We say that $G$ is well-covered if every maximal independent set has the same cardinality, namely $\alpha(G)$. Thus, if a graph is well-hued, it is also well-covered for all maximal $1$-colorable subgraphs must have the same cardinality. In this talk, we will investigate those well-hued graphs that are either cubic, planar, a split graph, or a product graph.
Predavanje bo potekalo preko MS Teams.
Connected domination game
Predavateljica: Vesna Iršič
The cost of asymmetrizing graphs
Predavatelj: Wilfried Imrich
Pakirna barvanja nekaterih razredov grafov z rekurzivno strukturo II.
Predavateljica: Jasmina Ferme
Chromatic edge-stability
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Pakirna barvanja nekaterih razredov grafov z rekurzivno strukturo I.
Predavateljica: Jasmina Ferme
On distance dominator packing coloring in graphs
Predavateljica: Daša Štesl
S-packing chromatic vertex-critical graphs
Predavatelj: Marko Jakovac
On Metric Dimensions of Hypercubes
Predavatelj: Aleksander Kelenc
Choosability with separation of cycles and outerplanar graphs
Predavatelj: Olivier Togni (Université de Bourgogne, Francija)
Eccentricity and distance in direct-co-direct product.
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
Generalized cut method for the edge-Wiener index and Szeged-like topological indices (Posplošena metoda prerezov za povezavni Wienerjev indeks in topološke indekse tipa Szeged)
Predavatelj: Niko Tratnik
Daisy Hamming Graphs (Marjetični Hammingovi grafi)
Predavatelj: Andrej Taranenko
Maximum Wiener index of oriented ladder graphs
Predavateljica: Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak
A forgotten associative and commutative graph product and his non-associative cousin (O pozabljenem asociativnem in komutativnem grafovskem produktu in njegovem neasociativnem bratrancu
Predavatelj: Iztok Peterin
A graph $H$ is, following the book of Hammack, Imrich and Klavžar, a graph product of graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$ if $V(H)=V(G_1)\times V(G_2)$ and edges of $H$ are yield from some rules on edges and non-edges in $G_1$ and $G_2$. This gives all together 256 different products. Only 10 of them are asociative and comutative at the same time. They can be paired together into five pairs of a product and his complementary product. Beside well known Cartesian product, strong product and direct product and their complementary products we have also (not interesting) complete product (with empty product as its complementary product) and modular product $G_1\Diamond G_2$ with its complementary product. Edges of modular product can be express with edges of strong product and edges of direct product of complements $\overline{G_1}$ and $\overline{G_2}$, that is
$$E(G_1\Diamond G_2)=E(G_1\boxtimes G_2)\cup E(\overline{G_1}\times \overline{G_2}).$$
If we replace edges of strong product with edges of direct product, then we obtain a direct-co-direct product $G_1\circledast G_2$, or shortly DcD product, which is not associative. More detailed
$$E(G_1\circledast G_2)=E(G_1\times G_2)\cup E(\overline{G_1}\times \overline{G_2}).$$
We present history of both products, their basic properties and give a motivation why study them in more detail. Some ot their metric properties will also be revealed.
Joint work with A. Kelenc.
Stability in many-sided matching problems
Predavatelj: Marcin Anholcer (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poljska)
Povzetek: Gale and Shapley (1962) showed that for two sets of agents who have preferences for agents in the second set, one can always find a stable matching, and even that it can be done in polynomial time. Knuth (1976) asked whether this feature was also shared by settings in which there are at least three groups of agents. It soon turned out that not always. Since then, many have wondered what kind of system of preferences guarantees the existence of a stable matching. During the presentation, I will tell you about these considerations.
General d-position sets
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
Bipartite graphs with close domination and k-domination numbers
Predavateljica: Csilla Bujtás
Strong edge geodetic problem on grids
Predavateljica: Eva Zmazek
Total k-uniform graphs
Predavateljica: Tanja Dravec
1/2-conjectures on the domination game
Predavatelj: Sandi Klavžar
The general position problem on Cartesian products
Predavatelj: Gregor Rus
On a vertex-edge marking game on graphs
Predavatelj: Boštjan Brešar
Prism-hamiltonicity of planar graphs
Predavatelj: Simon Špacapan
Grundy domination in Kneser graphs
Predavateljica: Nani Vasiljević
Counting Hamiltonian cycles in 2-tiled graphs
Predavatelj: Alen Vegi Kalamar
Nove metode za računanje Schultzovega in Gutmanovega indeksa
Predavatelj: Simon Brezovnik
Nekatere s pakiranji povezane lastnosti grafov, II.
Predavateljica: Dragana Božović